

NOVEMBER 16, 2017

3:00pm Start  4:30pm Finish

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525 Boundary St, Spring Hill

Running a business is challenging at the best of times, but it’s even more challenging if you’re doing it by yourself.

In our education segment this week, Google’s favourite Brisbane copywriter, Emily Read will be discussing 3 challenges every solo business owner faces – and how to overcome them.

She will discuss how solo business owners can overcome some of the common challenges such as isolation, cash flow management and client dependence.

With more than four years’ experience as a solo business owner, Emily is intimately familiar with the challenges and benefits that accompany the solo business life.

Join us for a fun and insightful presentation on how you can make the solo business life work better for you.

You will learn:

How to overcome isolation

How to manage business and personal cash flow

How to avoid client dependence

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ABOUT Emily Read

Google’s Favourite Brisbane Copywriter | LinkedIn

Our presenter, Emily Read, is Google’s favourite Brisbane copywriter and the current Networking Connexions Secretary. With more than four years’ experience as a solo business owner, Emily is intimately familiar with the challenges and benefits that accompany the solo business life. She is also the volunteer Brisbane event coordinator for the Freelance Jungle community.

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